Adding notes to Beaver Builder modules

James from Implexa Solutions asked: I am working on a pretty big and complex project and I was thinking today that I wish there was a way I could add a comment to a…

WP Beaver Builder Review

While there are many CMS available to those who are looking have their own websites to serve as venues for their content, business or any uses, WordPress proves to one of the top choices…

Exploring The Gutenberg Editor

If you’re a long-time WordPress user, then you might have noticed that there hasn’t any been major changes to the WordPress visual editor over the years. It’s not an actual cause to worry and it’s…

Limit Beaver Builder modules by user level

Chris in the Beaver Builder FB group asked if it was possible to limited the beaver builder modules by the user level. The answer is yes! using a lil’ PHP code we can restrict the available plugins by all sorts of capabilities…