Lottie for Beaver Builder
Lottie for Beaver Builder
This free plugin will get you up and running with Lottie in 2 minutes!
How to Use
- Download plugin from the bottom of this page
- Install and activate the plugin inside your WordPress
- Open the Beaver Builder editor and drag in the "Lottie" Module
- Insert the URL pointing to your lottiefile.
- Check out https://lottiefiles.com/ for thousands of free animations
- Make any other config changes you like.
- Done!

Lottie In Action
play on hover
Go further with Lottie Pro
Here's the pitch!
Need to do more with Lottie animations? Maybe some cool scroll or mouse related effects would catch your users eye for that second longer?
Lottie Pro (now available as part of our premium plugin, Beaver Team Pro) will make you look like a website motion graphics master!