WP Shots - Changelog
1.0.6 - 22 Aug 2023
- wp_shots prefix on filename
- UPDATE thumbnails to medium size instead of thumb
1.0.4 - 14 Dec 2021
- UPDATE: prefix image filenames with "wp_shots_"
- NEW: Screenshot width filter "ss_wp_shots_width" return width in pixels that you would like for your screenshots
add_filter('ss_wp_shots_width',function(){ return '1300';// width in px });
1.0.3 - 24 Nov 2021
- See notes: https://sitespot.dev/wp-shots-1-0-3-release-notes/
- White text on white background? Solved!
- Save your row/module/column with the word
, for it to be screenshotted on a dark background
- Save your row/module/column with the word
- Full height screenshots now available
- Hardcode your license key to keep it more secure
add_filter('wp_shots_license',function(){ return 'your-license-key'; });
v1.0.2 - 11 May 2021
- Improvement: Dynamic screenshot sizes to match beaver builder settings.
v1.0.1 - 29 April 2021
- FIX: Headers already sent error
- ADDED: Previews added to saved rows/modules admin.
v1.0.0 - 29 April 2021
- Be kind and send us reports, I'm still in Beta.
- support@sitespot.dev
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