Changelog Beaver Team Pro

1.4.10 - 15 May

  • Fix mega menu top offset sometimes wrong

1.4.9 - 26 April 2024

  • Mega Menu: spacebar to trigger opening menu (accessibility) 

1.4.8 - 25 April 2024

  • Updated updater
  • Bulk updates compatibility new UI
  • Max width column added extra breakpoint
  • Mega menu
    • added role=button and aria-expanded for accessibility
  • Template jumper compatibility with new UI
  • Moved global colors to legacy

1.4.6 - 1.4.7 - 13 Oct 2023

  • Sticky column not always sticking fix
  • MAX WIDTH COLUMN:  fix critical error when no xl size set
  • AI FIX rich text inserting formatted text
  • AI  temperature to '1' with filter

1.4.2 - 1.4.5 - 28 July 2023

  • AI: Support for tinymce (rich text editor)
  • AI Update: Support for custom model:
    Usage Settings > Beaver Builder > Developer > AI Model:  "gpt-4" "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  • FIX for ajaxurl not defined
  • AI error logging improvement

1.4.1 - 27 July 2023

  • AI: openAI logo as AI button
  • FIX for undefined index error

1.4.0 - 26 July 2023

  • Beaver Builder AI: Text inputs now have an AI prompt option.
    • Add your openAI key under Settings > Beaver Builder > Developer > OpenAI
  • FIX: Bulk updates responsive iframe preview
  • FIX: Module defaults responsive iframe preview

1.3.10 - 03 May 2023

  • MEGA MENU: new fade in speed
  • MEGA MENU: fix - on page anchor tags now hide menu after clicking
  • BULK UPDATES: Fix - compatibility with new BB Iframe preview
  • GLOBALS: fix where colors weren't displayed
  • COLOR SYNC: fix where colors weren't displayed
  • STICKY COLUMNS: Sticky column PHP warning

1.3.9 - 21 Oct 2022

  • FIX - Mega menu click menu needing to be clicked 2 times
  • FIX - Color sync after customizer save issues

1.3.8 - 27 Sept 2022

  • SCSS fix BB 2.6


     - 16 Sept 2022
  • BB 2.6 Compatibility updates
    • Template jumper, moved variables and swapped to CSS outline.
  • FIX Max width column padding_false_medium error
  • Global color fix - sometimes clears defaults.

1.3.6 - 29 August 2022

  • FIX Sticky column jumping down below row.

1.3.5 - 17 August 2022

  • FIX - license_data->license missing error
  • FIX - Lottie - hover
  • UPDATE - Latest Lottie interactive lib
  • TWEAK - Lottie - lazy load now loads 50px before the viewport to ensure a more seamless experience.
  • FIX - Lottie - Interactive animations getting refreshed and broken
  • UPDATE - Max width column - default side now 'left' when not selected.
  • FIX - New tab preview - checks for free version of plugin to avoid conflicts.

1.3.4 - 17 June 2022

  • NEW:
      • Fix hover flicker in some instances
  • FIX: v 1.3.4 update available not hiding

1.3.3 - 15 June 2022

    • fix error on dragging in new module
    • fix - adjacent hover menus
    • fix - position of elements
    • improvement - obey default BB responsive settings
    • fix - PHP error notice
    • new - global saved row color setting

1.3.2 - 20 May 2022

  • ID Class autocomplete:
    • now ignores 'fl-' classes and ID's
  • Mega Menu:
    • Fix page scroll on mobile view
    • Update: follow shrinking sticky headers
  • JS Conditionals
    • NEW: Recurring time schedules
  • Lottie Pro
    • NEW: Set width of animation
    • NEW: Set link for animation

1.3.1 - 6 May 2022

  • Mega Menu on Hover option.
    • Choose "Hover" from menu options inside Beaver Builder

1.3.0 - 20 April 2022

  • NEW: New Tab Preview
    Another one of our popular free plugins is now included in Beaver Team pro as a handy checkbox!
  • UPDATE: Default templates for new blank pages
    Now it's even easier to select your default template from a handy dropdown, no more remembering template ID's!
  • FIX: Mega Menu
    Ignore submenu items text

1.2.20 - 1 April 2022

  • NEW: Max Width Column Pro
    • Assign a max width to your columns, and an alignment. 
    • How to:
      • Go to your Column Settings > Style > Max Width
      • Set a max with in px
      • Set an alignment, Left Center or right.
      • That's it!
    • Great for the 50/50 split background design.

1.2.19 - 30 March 2022

    • Use BB Menu Dropdown Icon
    • Remove old character for dropdown
    • Fix tabbing out of end of mega menus
  • Template Jumper
    • Only show jumper when user has BB permissions (Settings > User Access)

1.2.18 - 10 March 2022

  • Autocomplete CSS hardening

1.2.17 - 4 March 2022

  • FIX - mega menu not always firing

1.2.16 - 3 Mar 2022

  • NEW: Mega menu
  • NEW: ?bb and ?bp shortcuts to ?fl_builder and ?fl_builder_preview respectively
  • NEW: Default templates for new blank pages
  • NEW: Global colors
  • NEW: Unlimited docked editor width
  • UPDATE: Sticky rows - Choose parent to stick to.

1.2.15 - 15 Feb 2022

  • UPDATE: Template jumper scripts only enqueue when Beaver Builder is active.

1.2.14 - 19 Jan 2022

  • FIX: Buddyboss conflict Cannot redeclare function array_insert_after()

1.2.13 - 7 Jan 2022

  • FIX: Conditional Elements logic reversed in some situations.

1.2.12 - 9 Nov 2021

  • UPDATE: Conditional Elements additional location based filters
    • Zip
    • Timezone
    • Continent
    • Continent Code
    • Currency

1.2.11 - 4 Nov 2021

  • FIX: Class ID autocomplete not working on all WP templates

1.2.10 - 3 Nov 2011

  • Conditional elements updates:
    • Only check user location when location is a condition
    • Update to new URL of
    • Removed some redundant console logs

1.2.9 - 27 October 2021

  • Autocomplete Class and ID input fields

1.2.8 - 27 October 2021

  • Bulk Updates:
    • Fix bug where UX wouldn't close after update
    • Improved slow network handling.
    • Added confirmation toasts notifications.
  • Lottie Pro
    • Fixed bug where interactivity wouldn't fire in preview mode
  • Default Modules
    • Replaced confirmation alert with toast - less clicks!
  • Misc
    • Removed some legacy Javascript alerts that aren't necessary.

1.2.7 - 21 September 2021

  • FIX: Bug where interactivity wouldnt trigger
  • Upgraded lottie library to 1.4
  • Updated lottie interactivity 1.0
  • Changed Lottie Interactivity event listener to fire sooner

1.2.6 - 9 September 2021

  • Color sync support for astra theme

1.2.5 - 6 July 2021

  • Lottie Pro: add inline Bodymovin JSON text to the Lottie Module
  • Module Defaults: Dropdown and publish replaces with a "Set as Default" Button 

1.2.4 - 18 Jun 2021

  • FIX: SCSS sometimes not rendering short codes
  • Rename: SCSS to Smart CSS, because its more than just a SCSS compiler in Beaver Builder.

1.2.3 - 17 Jun 2021

  • New: Bulk updates now supports rows and columns
  • Added: Lottie Pro lazy load. Does not support interactive modes yet.
  • Added: Lottie helper shows title, frames and framerate of animation after pasting in link to json file
  • Fix: Template jumper headers already sent error
  • Update: Renamed some settings for clarity

1.2.2 - 9 Jun 2021

  • IMPROVEMENT: Template jumper
    • Now links directly to the beaver builder page.
    • Moved out of the Beta tab
    • Renamed "Template Jumper and Builder Colors"
  • FIX: Smart CSS
    • PHP error when beaver builder has no data set

1.2.1 - 15 March 2021

  • NEW: Sticky Rows & Columns PRO
    • Stick Position Top or Bottom
    • Responsive settings (Enable or disable on Large, Medium, Small screens)

1.2.0 - 8 March 2021

  • UPDATE: [UI CHANGES] Bulk updates now supports ability to specify on page update locations
    • This page only
    • This row only
    • This column only
    • This child column only.

1.1.21 - 9 December 2020

  • COMPATIBILITY:  fix color sync double "#" on some themes

1.1.20 - 2 December 2020

  • COMPATIBILITY:  change namespace for scss class to avoid conflicts with other plugins using same


1.1.19 - 24 November 2020

  • Fix: Debugging emails included in production release, please update immediately. 

1.1.18 - 14 November 2020

  • Fix: double # on SCSS variables

1.1.17 - 13 November 2020

  • Fix: JS fix for SCSS presets not opening

1.1.16 - 13 November 2020

  • NEW: Lottie PRO

1.1.15 - 20 October 2020

  • Update: Replaced existing software licensing for easier more reliable EDD plugin licensing

1.1.14 - 11 September 2020

  • NEW: SCSS.
    • To use: go to Global Settings > SCSS
    • Save to see preview.
  • Fix: Nested Sticky Columns not sticking.

1.1.13 - May 2020

  • Bugfixes

1.1.12 - 22 October 2019

  • New: Conditional rows - URL Query
  • New: Conditional rows - Date/Time
  • New: Z-Index Pro - Add a z-index z-index when hovered over for any row, column or module.
  • Hotfix: Builder recolor - global modules

1.1.11 - 23 July 2019

  • NEW: Background Image Filters - under beta tools
  • NEW: Recolor Beaver Builder borders and display parts - under beta
  • Bugfix - redeclared plugin details

1.1.10 - 1 May 2019

  • Enhancement - Color Sync - Choose post types to update.
  • Fix - Color sync - apply updates to sub-arrays
  • Enhancement - Hide the license key when entered correctly

1.1.9 - 22 April 2019

  • Fix - Empty array error - Color sync
  • Fix - Enqueue scripts error - BT Notes

1.1.8 - 16 April 2019

  • Conditional Elements now also applies to MODULES
  • Fix - Empty array error - color sync
  • Fix - Fatal error when BB not active

1.1.7 - 22 March 2019

  • Hotfix: getCookie JS error

1.1.6 - 21 March 2019

  • Conditional Rows Rebuild
  • Added location targeting option: State / Province
  • Added Cookie Support. Show Hide rows based on a cookie value

1.1.5 - 15 March 2019

  • Fixed: Sticky Column clashing with BB sticky header

1.1.4 - 4 March 2019

  • Hotfix Color Sync JS error and licence check soft error.

1.1.3 - 3 March 2019

  • Fixed licencing update
  • UPDATED: Notes Module
    • New visibility settings (Turn on in WP Admin > Settings > Beaver Builder > Developer > Notes):
      • Only let admins edit notes
      • Restrict editing to admins only
      • Restrict visibility to admins only
    • When editing is restricted to admins only - notes with YouTube, Vimeo and Google Drive links are converted toembeds.
  • UPDATED: sticky columns module
    • No more bouncing around! It now uses CSS position:sticky with a fallback to position:fixed instead of hacky javascript margins
    • Works on rows!
    • Supports multiple sticky items per page
  • ADDED: Licencing
    • You'll need to add in your licence key to receive updates AFTER this next one.
    • You can find your licence key under subscriptions in your account
    • Not a very exciting addition, this one
  • FIXED: Color Sync
    • Color sync now works on modified customizer color pickers (looking at you, Astra)

1.1.2 - Jan 2019

  • Bugfixes
  • 7.2 compatibility with bulk updates
  • Read time module - check for free plugin
  • Licencing coming soon


  • NEW: Added update all -> save to default option (when both modules are activated)
  • Improved 'update all' support for bb 2.2 settings groups
  • Improved 'update all' handling of responsive settings - now when you update all, it only updates the responsive settings you are working on
  • Improved UI of 'update all' -> we improved the display of settings that are being updated
  • Default module - improved handling of defaults. To update, now just drag in the module, make changes and hit publish.
  • 1.1.0 - Added sticky columns tool
  • Added read time module
  • Added border radius
  • Cleaned up developer tab to be more user-friendly
  • Bulk updates: bugfix, where only settings and ID visible
  • Color sync: refactored code
  • Color sync: added filter to allow presets to apply to all color pickers in admin
  • Color Sync: bugfix duplicate colors in picker (rgba/hex conflict)


  • Hotfix - added scroll to the update all panel when updating lots of settings.


  • Hotfixes
  • Fixed conditional row/columns setting not appearing, added a "BT" suffix to distinguish from native conditionals in BB 2.2.
  • Fixed pattern backgrounds CSS selector
  • Moved the notes module down lower to get out of the way


  • Fixed empty array log error when activating


  • Added Notes
  • Bugfixes


  • Hotfix - SVG pattern backgrounds


  • UX improvements


  • Hotfix permissions error
  • UX improvements - color update
  • Fixed PHP clash


  • HEX color update module now available. "Tools" > "Page Builder Bulk Color Update" (after activating module).
  • Fixed same page bulk updates
  • Removed cache clear buttons, as BB 2.2 will have improved cache busting
  • added permission setting, to restrict the use of tools to capability.


  • Auto updates
  • Fixed jump on click of 'update all'


  • Fixed JS Errors in conditional locations, added cache clear button in WP admin and BB bar.


  • Hello World

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